How to Nail Your Color Analysis Quiz Photo for Accurate Results

Dante Kim
April 14th, 2024
Get your color analysis done
in 60 seconds with WhatColors!
Get your color analysis done in
60 seconds with WhatColors!
Get your color analysis done in 60 seconds with WhatColors!
Have you ever wondered about the best color analysis types? Perhaps you have been pondering the best color analysis quiz to take. You may be thinking about a color analysis quiz photo to identify your season or undertones. If so, it is essential to understand how you can get the best color analysis types. This blog aims to provide an in-depth look into color analysis types and the best methods for a color analysis quiz photo.
Table of Contents
What is a Seasonal Color Analysis Quiz?

Color analysis quiz is a tool you can use to determine which colors flatter you most. Based on your overall appearance and particularly the coloring of your eyes, hair, and skin, you will be assigned one of twelve color seasons. Each color season comes with a color palette, specifically designed to harmonize with your natural coloring.
To understand seasonal color analysis, we need to understand the three aspects or dimensions of color first. They are
Hue & temperature (undertone)
The hue defines the color family of an object, or what color it is – green, purple, orange etc. Although not universally agreed upon, we perceive some colors as warmer and others as cooler. This is often referred to as a color’s temperature or undertone. It can be either warm, cool or some combination of the two (neutral).
Warm and Cool Undertones in Colors
This does not mean that all yellows are warm and all blues are cool. Any color can have warm or cool undertones – think of an acidic yellow (yellow mixed with green) and a tangerine yellow (yellow mixed with orange).
Yellow and Blue in Seasonal Color Analysis
When it comes to seasonal color analysis, there is a general consensus that yellow is the warmest color and blue is the coolest. That is because warm skin tones tend to have yellow undertones, while cool-toned skin has blueish undertones.
Thus, colors that are blue-based are classed as cool - the more blue, the cooler the color. Yellow-based colors are warm. And warmer colors contain more yellow.
Value (Depth)
Value designates the depth of a color or how light or dark it is.
Light colors have had white added to them and are referred to as tints. Similarly, dark colors have had black added to them and are called shades.
Chroma / Clarity
Chroma defines a color’s saturation, or how bright (clear) or muted it is. Another way to understand chroma is to think about how ‘close to grey’ a color is.
Clear, bright colors are far away from looking grey because they are highly saturated. The more saturation is taken away, the closer a color gets to grey, and the more muted it becomes.
Adding grey to a color turns it into a tone.
The 12 Colour Seasons
Spring is the season of renewal, painting the natural world in fresh, blooming colors. Consequently, Spring features are warm, bright, and light, giving Springs an overall luminous and fresh appearance.
The Spring season is divided into three sub-seasons:
Bright Spring
True Spring
Light Spring
Bright Spring
Is the combination of bright and warm. This season flows into Spring from Winter, which tints skin, hair, and eyes neutral-warm. The most prominent characteristic of Bright Springs is the clearness of their features, which gives them a bright, luminous, and fresh appearance. To reflect the naturally clear coloring of this season, Bright Spring colors are extremely saturated and bright, only rivalled in their vibrancy by Bright Winter.
True Spring
Is the combination of warm and bright. This season is the warmest of the Spring family, and therefore skin, hair, and eyes have a very warm, sunny coloring. There is no trace of coolness in the appearance of a True Spring and like the other Spring seasons, they look fresh and glowing. This season does not tolerate cool and muted colors and thus True Spring colors are intensely warm and quite saturated reminiscent of coloring pencils.
Light Spring
Is the combination of light and warm. This season flows from Spring into Summer and therefore has some of the typical Summer gentleness in the features. In addition, skin, hair, and eyes are neutral-warm but are even lighter than those of the other two Spring seasons.
In order not to overpower the delicacy of this season, Light Spring colors are the lightest and least intense of the Spring family, but the palette is colorful like a box of sweets.
Summer is the season of long days in the sun coupled with a gentle, cooling breeze coming from the waterside. The intense sunlight paints the natural world in delicate colors. Consequently, Summer features are cool, light, and muted, giving Summers an overall gentle and delicate appearance.
The Summer season is divided into three sub-seasons:
Light Summer
True Summer
Soft Summer
Light Summer
Is the combination of light and cool. This season flows into Summer from Spring, which tints skin, hair, and eyes neutral-cool and makes this Summer type slightly brighter than the other two. And since all features are similarly light, the contrast between them is very low.
To match the gentle but brighter appearance, Light Summer colors are light and delicate but still fairly colorful like various flavors of ice cream.
True Summer
Is the combination of cool and muted. As the coolest season of the Summer family, the features lack any form of warmth. Instead, they are overlaid with a coolness that is gentle not frosty. Similarly, their features are gently contrasted. There are no stark contrasts and no harshly colored features.
This color season does not tolerate warm and bright colors. And hence True Summer colors are very cool and toned down like a dive into cold water.
Soft Summer
Is a combination of muted and cool. This season flows from Summer into Autumn, tinting skin, hair, and eyes neutral-cool. Soft Summer has the softest coloring of the already muted Summer family. The features are gently grayed out, giving Soft Summers a blended appearance.
Soft Summers don't tolerate brightness at all, and their colors are therefore extremely toned down so as not to overwhelm their gentle coloring.
Autumn is the season of harvest and shorter, foggy days, which envelop the natural world in hazy, rich colors. Consequently, Autumn features are warm, muted, and dark, giving Autumns a rich but toned down appearance.
The Autumn season is divided into three sub-seasons:
Soft Autumn
True Autumn
Dark Autumn
Soft Autumn
Is a combination of muted and warm. This season flows into Autumn from Summer, which tints skin, hair, and eyes neutral-warm. Soft Autumn has the softest coloring of the already muted Autumn family. The features are gently grayed out, giving Soft Autumns a blended appearance. Soft Autumns don't tolerate brightness at all.
The color palette is therefore extremely toned down and understated. It contains lots of nuts, rose, and wheat colors.
True Autumn
Is the combination of warm and muted. Being the warmest season of the Autumn family, True Autumn features have a rich coloring, which may appear saturated because of its warmth, but it's muted. This season has the richest appearance out of the Autumn family.
Like Autumn foliage, the True Autumn color palette comprises rich, earthy colors, which appear very saturated because of their warmth. But they are rich rather than bright.
Dark Autumn
Is a combination of dark and warm. This season flows from Autumn into Winter, tinting skin, hair, and eyes neutral-warm. Another effect of Winter is the higher contrast between the features and the increased brightness compared to the other two Autumn seasons. Dark Winter coloring tends to have a bronzy glow.
The warm colors of the True Autumn palette become deeper and slightly brighter on the Dark Autumn color palette reminiscent of spices.
Winter is the season of extreme contrast, with long nights plunging the natural world into darkness and white snow covering the ground. Consequently, Winter features are cool, bright, and dark, giving Winters a highly contrasted, brilliant appearance.
The Winter season is divided into three sub-seasons:
Dark Winter
True Winter
Bright Winter
Dark Winter
Is the combination of dark and cool. This season flows into Winter from Autumn, which makes skin, hair, and eyes neutral-cool. Dark Winters are recognized by the deep coloring of hair and eyes set against lighter skin. This creates prominent dark features. This coloring is the darkest of the Winter family.
To reflect the high-value contrast, the Dark Winter palette comprises very light and very dark colors with the typical Winter brilliance.
True Winter
Is the combination of cool and bright. Being the coolest season of the Winter family, True Winter features are overlaid with a frost-like coolness. Like the other two Winter types, True Winters have a highly contrasted, brilliant appearance but with added coolness.
To match the coolness in the natural coloring, the True Winter color palette boasts both light, icy pastels and dark, bright colors to achieve a high contrast.
Bright Winter
Is the combination of bright and cool. This season flows from Winter into Spring, which tints skin, hair, and eyes neutral-cool. Like Bright Spring, the most prominent characteristic of Bright Winter is the clear appearance of the features. Their brilliance and vibrance are striking and cannot be overlooked.
Bright Winter colors are extremely bright and vibrant, as any less extreme color would not be enough for their intense, saturated appearance.
Related Reading
Why Take a Color Analysis Quiz Photo?

There are multiple ways to get your color analysis. You can hire a professional color analyst, take a self-guided color analysis quiz, or use an app. The core process is generally the same, examining the hue, value, and chroma of the coloring in your skin, eyes, and hair. It helps you identify your seasonal color palette (summer, spring, autumn, or winter) and your dominant (deep, light, warm, cool, clear, soft), which relates to the combination of your features.
Using a self-guided color analysis quiz has its benefits. It's convenient and accessible as you can easily take online quizzes with photo uploads. By doing so, you can get accurate, personalized results based on your natural coloring. It's also a cost-effective way to get color analyzed without the need for an in-person consultation.
Discover Your Perfect Colors
WhatColors helps you find what colors to wear based off on your skin tone. Finally, get your season based off on your skin tone using our patented color-match technology. You can get the perfect colors based on your season and avoid colors that are a definite no. Based on your skin, eye, and hair color, you can find the perfect nail colors with our WhatColors Nail Color Generator.
Unlock your colors and transform your style for free today with WhatColors’ AI Personal Color Analysis app. Download our app for free today on the App Store or Google Play store.
How to Take the Perfect Color Analysis Quiz Photo

For the ideal color analysis quiz photo, I recommend adhering to certain guidelines. First and foremost, it's crucial to showcase your natural self in the photo. This means no makeup to mask your true skin tone and avoid colored contact lenses. Also, ensure your hair is styled away from your face to reveal your natural coloring accurately.
Optimal Setup for Color Analysis Photos
When setting up your photo, aim for a headshot with a straight gaze – a frontal image where you're looking directly at the camera. This angle captures your natural coloring best. Opt for high-resolution quality to allow a detailed examination. Lighting plays a vital role in color analysis, so choose natural light, but avoid direct sunlight to prevent washed-out features. Indirect daylight brings out your true colors without harsh shadows or color alterations.
Enhancing Color Analysis with Varied Photo Selection
To enrich your color analysis, provide a variety of photos, especially those taken in different settings and times. Childhood photos can be particularly valuable to show your natural hair and skin color before any changes. For individuals with dyed hair, offering a picture from the past showcasing your natural hair color can significantly aid in color analysis. If such a photo isn't available, providing images of someone with similar natural coloring can be used for a comparative analysis.
Top Online Color Analysis Quiz Photo Tools

My Colors App from
Vivaldi Color Lab
Cardigan Empire
C Color
My Color Palette App
These are some of the popular platforms that offer virtual color analysis quizzes for users to determine their best colors based on their personal skin tone, eye color, and hair color. These apps provide a personalized color palette based on the seasonal color analysis theory and approach. Users can take advantage of advanced algorithms and AI technology to find the perfect shades and hues that complement their natural coloring.
Whether it's unlocking your colors on WhatColors or discovering your season color on Dressika, these platforms offer innovative solutions for enhancing your personal style through color analysis.
Related Reading
• Korean Color Analysis
• Hair Color Analysis
• Soft Autumn Color Analysis
• Soft Summer Color Analysis
• Bright Spring Color Analysis
• Warm Spring Color Analysis
• Dark Winter Color Analysis
• Autumn Vs Spring Color Analysis
• Deep Autumn Color Analysis
• Cool Summer Color Analysis
• Clear Spring Color Analysis
• Summer Vs Winter Color Analysis
• Dark Autumn Color Analysis
• Light Spring Color Analysis
• How To Do Your Own Color Analysis
• Spring Vs Summer Color Analysis
• Soft Winter Color Analysis
• Soft Spring Color Analysis
Making the Most of Your Seasonal Color Palette

I am always eager to share insights on how color analysis can help you make the most of your wardrobe. For one thing, identifying your color season is pivotal to creating your capsule wardrobe, a wardrobe that’s whittled down to only the pieces you’ll use and that look good together. Knowing your ideal colors means your clothes will play together nicely, you’ll get more use out of them, and you’ll be excited to wear them. This helps in mindfully curating your closet to only the pieces you genuinely need.
Another tremendous benefit is that color analysis quiz results allow you to make changes in your makeup, wardrobe, hair color, etc.
If you're a Spring, you have warm undertones, light hair, and light eyes. Bright and light colors like turquoise, coral, or ivory are your best bet.
Summers have a cool undertone and often have blue, gray, or cool black eyes. Muted colors like maroon, mauve, or sage green suit them best.
Autumns have warm undertones with dark features, like dark eyes or hair. Browns, oranges, and dark greens suit them best.
Winters, on the other hand, have cool undertones with the highest contrast. They can rock jewel tones like royal blue, emerald, and fuchsia.
Color analysis can help you feel better in your own style. It gives you a sense of identity and can guide you toward the colors that make you feel good.
By using your color analysis quiz results to adapt your wardrobe, makeup, and hair color, you can elevate your style to a whole new level. Embrace your season, rock those colors, and confidently flaunt your unique personality and style.
Common Misconceptions about Color Analysis

There are only four or five seasons
When it comes to personal color analysis, the misconception that there are only four or five seasons is not entirely accurate. In reality, skin tone, hair color, and eye color have many variations and nuances that can impact the color palette that suits an individual best.
This means that the traditional four or five season approach may not fully capture the subtleties of an individual's coloring and how different hues can enhance their features. The truth is that each person is unique, and their color analysis should take into account their specific characteristics to provide tailored recommendations for the most flattering colors.
Color analysis is only for women
Contrary to popular belief, color analysis is not exclusive to women. Men can also benefit greatly from understanding which colors complement their features and enhance their overall appearance. By identifying the hues that harmonize with their skin tone, hair color, and eye color, men can create a wardrobe that reflects their personality and boosts their confidence. Whether it's choosing clothing, accessories, or even grooming products, color analysis can help men make informed decisions that enhance their style.
Color analysis is only for clothing
Color analysis is often associated with choosing the right colors for clothing, but its benefits extend beyond fashion choices. Understanding which colors flatter your complexion can also guide you in selecting makeup shades that enhance your natural beauty. Color analysis can be applied to other aspects of life, such as home decorating, landscaping, and garden design. By incorporating colors that complement your features into different areas of your life, you can create a cohesive and harmonious environment that reflects your unique color palette.
Once you know your colors, you always wear that color palette
While identifying your color type is a valuable starting point, it's essential to remember that your color palette may evolve over time. As your complexion changes with age, your optimal color choices may also shift. Understanding your correct contrast level is crucial for selecting colors that truly enhance your features. At Indigo Tones, we provide ongoing support to our clients to help them adapt to any changes in their color analysis results and make the most of their personalized palette.
Color analysis is only for fair-skinned people
Color analysis can benefit individuals of all skin tones, and different systems may offer varied approaches to analyzing darker skin tones. By considering a broader range of colors and how they interact with different skin tones, color analysis can provide tailored recommendations for people with diverse complexions. Whether you have fair, medium, or dark skin, a personalized color analysis can help you discover the hues that enhance your natural beauty and elevate your style.
I will have to wear color all the time
While some people may fear that color analysis means wearing bright hues constantly, the reality is quite different. A personal color analysis not only identifies the colors that suit you best but also pinpoints the neutrals that complement your features. Neutrals like grays, white, browns, tans, blacks, navy, and metallics are essential building blocks for a versatile wardrobe. By incorporating the right neutrals alongside your signature colors, you can create a wardrobe that offers a perfect balance of color and versatility.
I will have to spend a fortune to create a whole new wardrobe
One common misconception about color analysis is that it requires a complete wardrobe overhaul, which can be a significant financial commitment. In reality, understanding your color palette can help you make more intentional and cost-effective shopping decisions.
By selecting pieces that complement your features and work well together, you can create a coordinated wardrobe that maximizes your existing clothing items. Over time, you'll find that you spend less on unnecessary purchases, reduce the urge to impulse shop, and create more outfits with fewer pieces, resulting in significant savings.
Getting my colors done will limit my choices
Contrary to the belief that color analysis restricts your options, it actually expands your color palette and opens up new possibilities. Many individuals are surprised to discover the range of hues that complement their features beyond the few colors they already know look good on them.
By exploring different shades within their color palette, people often find unexpected favorites that enhance their appearance and boost their confidence. Even colors they previously thought they would never wear can become wardrobe staples, adding variety and excitement to their style.
I will need to start dressing like friends or fashion models
A personalized color analysis is all about celebrating your unique qualities and enhancing your individuality, rather than conforming to trends or imitating others. While your coloring may fall within one of the twelve seasonal tones, how you utilize those colors is entirely up to you.
Factors such as your personality, lifestyle, and budget play a crucial role in how you incorporate your color palette into your wardrobe. The goal of a color analysis consultation is to reveal your authentic self and empower you to make style choices that align with your personality and preferences, avoiding trends or prescriptions that don't resonate with who you are.
Related Reading
• 16 Season Color Analysis
• Color Analysis Quiz
• Seasonal Color Analysis
• Professional Color Analysis
• Color Analysis Wheel
• Diy Color Analysis
• Color Analysis Cost
• Virtual Color Analysis
• Best Color Analysis App
Try AI Personal Color Analysis For Free Today
WhatColors helps you discover the best colors to wear based on your unique skin tone. By utilizing our cutting-edge color match technology, you can determine your season and receive tailored color recommendations. This innovative approach ensures that you avoid colors that clash with your skin, eye, and hair color. The WhatColors Nail Color Generator finds the ideal nail polish shades that complement your features. Unlock your personalized color palette and elevate your style effortlessly with the WhatColors AI Personal Color Analysis app.
Get Your Perfect Colors
Through WhatColors, you can identify the colors that best suit your skin tone, eye color, and hair color. By determining your season, you can effortlessly select the perfect hues that enhance your natural features. With the WhatColors app, you can access your customized color recommendations and transform your wardrobe effortlessly. Whether you are a spring, summer, autumn, or winter season, WhatColors ensures you wear the right colors that flatter your complexion.
Avoid No-Go Colors
With the WhatColors app, you can steer clear of colors that do not harmonize with your skin tone, eye color, or hair color. By understanding the hues that complement your features, you can easily identify and avoid colors that may not enhance your appearance. This personalized approach to color analysis allows you to eliminate colors that may clash with your complexion, enabling you to refine your style and feel confident in your outfit choices.
Perfect Nail Colors
Discover the ideal nail polish shades that match your skin tone, eye color, and hair color with the WhatColors Nail Color Generator. By using advanced technology, WhatColors recommends the perfect nail colors that accentuate your features. Say goodbye to nail polish shades that do not harmonize with your complexion and hello to a personalized selection of nail colors that elevate your style.
Download the WhatColors app today and unlock your perfect nail colors effortlessly.
Get your color analysis done
in 60 seconds with WhatColors!
Have you ever wondered about the best color analysis types? Perhaps you have been pondering the best color analysis quiz to take. You may be thinking about a color analysis quiz photo to identify your season or undertones. If so, it is essential to understand how you can get the best color analysis types. This blog aims to provide an in-depth look into color analysis types and the best methods for a color analysis quiz photo.
Table of Contents
What is a Seasonal Color Analysis Quiz?

Color analysis quiz is a tool you can use to determine which colors flatter you most. Based on your overall appearance and particularly the coloring of your eyes, hair, and skin, you will be assigned one of twelve color seasons. Each color season comes with a color palette, specifically designed to harmonize with your natural coloring.
To understand seasonal color analysis, we need to understand the three aspects or dimensions of color first. They are
Hue & temperature (undertone)
The hue defines the color family of an object, or what color it is – green, purple, orange etc. Although not universally agreed upon, we perceive some colors as warmer and others as cooler. This is often referred to as a color’s temperature or undertone. It can be either warm, cool or some combination of the two (neutral).
Warm and Cool Undertones in Colors
This does not mean that all yellows are warm and all blues are cool. Any color can have warm or cool undertones – think of an acidic yellow (yellow mixed with green) and a tangerine yellow (yellow mixed with orange).
Yellow and Blue in Seasonal Color Analysis
When it comes to seasonal color analysis, there is a general consensus that yellow is the warmest color and blue is the coolest. That is because warm skin tones tend to have yellow undertones, while cool-toned skin has blueish undertones.
Thus, colors that are blue-based are classed as cool - the more blue, the cooler the color. Yellow-based colors are warm. And warmer colors contain more yellow.
Value (Depth)
Value designates the depth of a color or how light or dark it is.
Light colors have had white added to them and are referred to as tints. Similarly, dark colors have had black added to them and are called shades.
Chroma / Clarity
Chroma defines a color’s saturation, or how bright (clear) or muted it is. Another way to understand chroma is to think about how ‘close to grey’ a color is.
Clear, bright colors are far away from looking grey because they are highly saturated. The more saturation is taken away, the closer a color gets to grey, and the more muted it becomes.
Adding grey to a color turns it into a tone.
The 12 Colour Seasons
Spring is the season of renewal, painting the natural world in fresh, blooming colors. Consequently, Spring features are warm, bright, and light, giving Springs an overall luminous and fresh appearance.
The Spring season is divided into three sub-seasons:
Bright Spring
True Spring
Light Spring
Bright Spring
Is the combination of bright and warm. This season flows into Spring from Winter, which tints skin, hair, and eyes neutral-warm. The most prominent characteristic of Bright Springs is the clearness of their features, which gives them a bright, luminous, and fresh appearance. To reflect the naturally clear coloring of this season, Bright Spring colors are extremely saturated and bright, only rivalled in their vibrancy by Bright Winter.
True Spring
Is the combination of warm and bright. This season is the warmest of the Spring family, and therefore skin, hair, and eyes have a very warm, sunny coloring. There is no trace of coolness in the appearance of a True Spring and like the other Spring seasons, they look fresh and glowing. This season does not tolerate cool and muted colors and thus True Spring colors are intensely warm and quite saturated reminiscent of coloring pencils.
Light Spring
Is the combination of light and warm. This season flows from Spring into Summer and therefore has some of the typical Summer gentleness in the features. In addition, skin, hair, and eyes are neutral-warm but are even lighter than those of the other two Spring seasons.
In order not to overpower the delicacy of this season, Light Spring colors are the lightest and least intense of the Spring family, but the palette is colorful like a box of sweets.
Summer is the season of long days in the sun coupled with a gentle, cooling breeze coming from the waterside. The intense sunlight paints the natural world in delicate colors. Consequently, Summer features are cool, light, and muted, giving Summers an overall gentle and delicate appearance.
The Summer season is divided into three sub-seasons:
Light Summer
True Summer
Soft Summer
Light Summer
Is the combination of light and cool. This season flows into Summer from Spring, which tints skin, hair, and eyes neutral-cool and makes this Summer type slightly brighter than the other two. And since all features are similarly light, the contrast between them is very low.
To match the gentle but brighter appearance, Light Summer colors are light and delicate but still fairly colorful like various flavors of ice cream.
True Summer
Is the combination of cool and muted. As the coolest season of the Summer family, the features lack any form of warmth. Instead, they are overlaid with a coolness that is gentle not frosty. Similarly, their features are gently contrasted. There are no stark contrasts and no harshly colored features.
This color season does not tolerate warm and bright colors. And hence True Summer colors are very cool and toned down like a dive into cold water.
Soft Summer
Is a combination of muted and cool. This season flows from Summer into Autumn, tinting skin, hair, and eyes neutral-cool. Soft Summer has the softest coloring of the already muted Summer family. The features are gently grayed out, giving Soft Summers a blended appearance.
Soft Summers don't tolerate brightness at all, and their colors are therefore extremely toned down so as not to overwhelm their gentle coloring.
Autumn is the season of harvest and shorter, foggy days, which envelop the natural world in hazy, rich colors. Consequently, Autumn features are warm, muted, and dark, giving Autumns a rich but toned down appearance.
The Autumn season is divided into three sub-seasons:
Soft Autumn
True Autumn
Dark Autumn
Soft Autumn
Is a combination of muted and warm. This season flows into Autumn from Summer, which tints skin, hair, and eyes neutral-warm. Soft Autumn has the softest coloring of the already muted Autumn family. The features are gently grayed out, giving Soft Autumns a blended appearance. Soft Autumns don't tolerate brightness at all.
The color palette is therefore extremely toned down and understated. It contains lots of nuts, rose, and wheat colors.
True Autumn
Is the combination of warm and muted. Being the warmest season of the Autumn family, True Autumn features have a rich coloring, which may appear saturated because of its warmth, but it's muted. This season has the richest appearance out of the Autumn family.
Like Autumn foliage, the True Autumn color palette comprises rich, earthy colors, which appear very saturated because of their warmth. But they are rich rather than bright.
Dark Autumn
Is a combination of dark and warm. This season flows from Autumn into Winter, tinting skin, hair, and eyes neutral-warm. Another effect of Winter is the higher contrast between the features and the increased brightness compared to the other two Autumn seasons. Dark Winter coloring tends to have a bronzy glow.
The warm colors of the True Autumn palette become deeper and slightly brighter on the Dark Autumn color palette reminiscent of spices.
Winter is the season of extreme contrast, with long nights plunging the natural world into darkness and white snow covering the ground. Consequently, Winter features are cool, bright, and dark, giving Winters a highly contrasted, brilliant appearance.
The Winter season is divided into three sub-seasons:
Dark Winter
True Winter
Bright Winter
Dark Winter
Is the combination of dark and cool. This season flows into Winter from Autumn, which makes skin, hair, and eyes neutral-cool. Dark Winters are recognized by the deep coloring of hair and eyes set against lighter skin. This creates prominent dark features. This coloring is the darkest of the Winter family.
To reflect the high-value contrast, the Dark Winter palette comprises very light and very dark colors with the typical Winter brilliance.
True Winter
Is the combination of cool and bright. Being the coolest season of the Winter family, True Winter features are overlaid with a frost-like coolness. Like the other two Winter types, True Winters have a highly contrasted, brilliant appearance but with added coolness.
To match the coolness in the natural coloring, the True Winter color palette boasts both light, icy pastels and dark, bright colors to achieve a high contrast.
Bright Winter
Is the combination of bright and cool. This season flows from Winter into Spring, which tints skin, hair, and eyes neutral-cool. Like Bright Spring, the most prominent characteristic of Bright Winter is the clear appearance of the features. Their brilliance and vibrance are striking and cannot be overlooked.
Bright Winter colors are extremely bright and vibrant, as any less extreme color would not be enough for their intense, saturated appearance.
Related Reading
Why Take a Color Analysis Quiz Photo?

There are multiple ways to get your color analysis. You can hire a professional color analyst, take a self-guided color analysis quiz, or use an app. The core process is generally the same, examining the hue, value, and chroma of the coloring in your skin, eyes, and hair. It helps you identify your seasonal color palette (summer, spring, autumn, or winter) and your dominant (deep, light, warm, cool, clear, soft), which relates to the combination of your features.
Using a self-guided color analysis quiz has its benefits. It's convenient and accessible as you can easily take online quizzes with photo uploads. By doing so, you can get accurate, personalized results based on your natural coloring. It's also a cost-effective way to get color analyzed without the need for an in-person consultation.
Discover Your Perfect Colors
WhatColors helps you find what colors to wear based off on your skin tone. Finally, get your season based off on your skin tone using our patented color-match technology. You can get the perfect colors based on your season and avoid colors that are a definite no. Based on your skin, eye, and hair color, you can find the perfect nail colors with our WhatColors Nail Color Generator.
Unlock your colors and transform your style for free today with WhatColors’ AI Personal Color Analysis app. Download our app for free today on the App Store or Google Play store.
How to Take the Perfect Color Analysis Quiz Photo

For the ideal color analysis quiz photo, I recommend adhering to certain guidelines. First and foremost, it's crucial to showcase your natural self in the photo. This means no makeup to mask your true skin tone and avoid colored contact lenses. Also, ensure your hair is styled away from your face to reveal your natural coloring accurately.
Optimal Setup for Color Analysis Photos
When setting up your photo, aim for a headshot with a straight gaze – a frontal image where you're looking directly at the camera. This angle captures your natural coloring best. Opt for high-resolution quality to allow a detailed examination. Lighting plays a vital role in color analysis, so choose natural light, but avoid direct sunlight to prevent washed-out features. Indirect daylight brings out your true colors without harsh shadows or color alterations.
Enhancing Color Analysis with Varied Photo Selection
To enrich your color analysis, provide a variety of photos, especially those taken in different settings and times. Childhood photos can be particularly valuable to show your natural hair and skin color before any changes. For individuals with dyed hair, offering a picture from the past showcasing your natural hair color can significantly aid in color analysis. If such a photo isn't available, providing images of someone with similar natural coloring can be used for a comparative analysis.
Top Online Color Analysis Quiz Photo Tools

My Colors App from
Vivaldi Color Lab
Cardigan Empire
C Color
My Color Palette App
These are some of the popular platforms that offer virtual color analysis quizzes for users to determine their best colors based on their personal skin tone, eye color, and hair color. These apps provide a personalized color palette based on the seasonal color analysis theory and approach. Users can take advantage of advanced algorithms and AI technology to find the perfect shades and hues that complement their natural coloring.
Whether it's unlocking your colors on WhatColors or discovering your season color on Dressika, these platforms offer innovative solutions for enhancing your personal style through color analysis.
Related Reading
• Korean Color Analysis
• Hair Color Analysis
• Soft Autumn Color Analysis
• Soft Summer Color Analysis
• Bright Spring Color Analysis
• Warm Spring Color Analysis
• Dark Winter Color Analysis
• Autumn Vs Spring Color Analysis
• Deep Autumn Color Analysis
• Cool Summer Color Analysis
• Clear Spring Color Analysis
• Summer Vs Winter Color Analysis
• Dark Autumn Color Analysis
• Light Spring Color Analysis
• How To Do Your Own Color Analysis
• Spring Vs Summer Color Analysis
• Soft Winter Color Analysis
• Soft Spring Color Analysis
Making the Most of Your Seasonal Color Palette

I am always eager to share insights on how color analysis can help you make the most of your wardrobe. For one thing, identifying your color season is pivotal to creating your capsule wardrobe, a wardrobe that’s whittled down to only the pieces you’ll use and that look good together. Knowing your ideal colors means your clothes will play together nicely, you’ll get more use out of them, and you’ll be excited to wear them. This helps in mindfully curating your closet to only the pieces you genuinely need.
Another tremendous benefit is that color analysis quiz results allow you to make changes in your makeup, wardrobe, hair color, etc.
If you're a Spring, you have warm undertones, light hair, and light eyes. Bright and light colors like turquoise, coral, or ivory are your best bet.
Summers have a cool undertone and often have blue, gray, or cool black eyes. Muted colors like maroon, mauve, or sage green suit them best.
Autumns have warm undertones with dark features, like dark eyes or hair. Browns, oranges, and dark greens suit them best.
Winters, on the other hand, have cool undertones with the highest contrast. They can rock jewel tones like royal blue, emerald, and fuchsia.
Color analysis can help you feel better in your own style. It gives you a sense of identity and can guide you toward the colors that make you feel good.
By using your color analysis quiz results to adapt your wardrobe, makeup, and hair color, you can elevate your style to a whole new level. Embrace your season, rock those colors, and confidently flaunt your unique personality and style.
Common Misconceptions about Color Analysis

There are only four or five seasons
When it comes to personal color analysis, the misconception that there are only four or five seasons is not entirely accurate. In reality, skin tone, hair color, and eye color have many variations and nuances that can impact the color palette that suits an individual best.
This means that the traditional four or five season approach may not fully capture the subtleties of an individual's coloring and how different hues can enhance their features. The truth is that each person is unique, and their color analysis should take into account their specific characteristics to provide tailored recommendations for the most flattering colors.
Color analysis is only for women
Contrary to popular belief, color analysis is not exclusive to women. Men can also benefit greatly from understanding which colors complement their features and enhance their overall appearance. By identifying the hues that harmonize with their skin tone, hair color, and eye color, men can create a wardrobe that reflects their personality and boosts their confidence. Whether it's choosing clothing, accessories, or even grooming products, color analysis can help men make informed decisions that enhance their style.
Color analysis is only for clothing
Color analysis is often associated with choosing the right colors for clothing, but its benefits extend beyond fashion choices. Understanding which colors flatter your complexion can also guide you in selecting makeup shades that enhance your natural beauty. Color analysis can be applied to other aspects of life, such as home decorating, landscaping, and garden design. By incorporating colors that complement your features into different areas of your life, you can create a cohesive and harmonious environment that reflects your unique color palette.
Once you know your colors, you always wear that color palette
While identifying your color type is a valuable starting point, it's essential to remember that your color palette may evolve over time. As your complexion changes with age, your optimal color choices may also shift. Understanding your correct contrast level is crucial for selecting colors that truly enhance your features. At Indigo Tones, we provide ongoing support to our clients to help them adapt to any changes in their color analysis results and make the most of their personalized palette.
Color analysis is only for fair-skinned people
Color analysis can benefit individuals of all skin tones, and different systems may offer varied approaches to analyzing darker skin tones. By considering a broader range of colors and how they interact with different skin tones, color analysis can provide tailored recommendations for people with diverse complexions. Whether you have fair, medium, or dark skin, a personalized color analysis can help you discover the hues that enhance your natural beauty and elevate your style.
I will have to wear color all the time
While some people may fear that color analysis means wearing bright hues constantly, the reality is quite different. A personal color analysis not only identifies the colors that suit you best but also pinpoints the neutrals that complement your features. Neutrals like grays, white, browns, tans, blacks, navy, and metallics are essential building blocks for a versatile wardrobe. By incorporating the right neutrals alongside your signature colors, you can create a wardrobe that offers a perfect balance of color and versatility.
I will have to spend a fortune to create a whole new wardrobe
One common misconception about color analysis is that it requires a complete wardrobe overhaul, which can be a significant financial commitment. In reality, understanding your color palette can help you make more intentional and cost-effective shopping decisions.
By selecting pieces that complement your features and work well together, you can create a coordinated wardrobe that maximizes your existing clothing items. Over time, you'll find that you spend less on unnecessary purchases, reduce the urge to impulse shop, and create more outfits with fewer pieces, resulting in significant savings.
Getting my colors done will limit my choices
Contrary to the belief that color analysis restricts your options, it actually expands your color palette and opens up new possibilities. Many individuals are surprised to discover the range of hues that complement their features beyond the few colors they already know look good on them.
By exploring different shades within their color palette, people often find unexpected favorites that enhance their appearance and boost their confidence. Even colors they previously thought they would never wear can become wardrobe staples, adding variety and excitement to their style.
I will need to start dressing like friends or fashion models
A personalized color analysis is all about celebrating your unique qualities and enhancing your individuality, rather than conforming to trends or imitating others. While your coloring may fall within one of the twelve seasonal tones, how you utilize those colors is entirely up to you.
Factors such as your personality, lifestyle, and budget play a crucial role in how you incorporate your color palette into your wardrobe. The goal of a color analysis consultation is to reveal your authentic self and empower you to make style choices that align with your personality and preferences, avoiding trends or prescriptions that don't resonate with who you are.
Related Reading
• 16 Season Color Analysis
• Color Analysis Quiz
• Seasonal Color Analysis
• Professional Color Analysis
• Color Analysis Wheel
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• Virtual Color Analysis
• Best Color Analysis App
Try AI Personal Color Analysis For Free Today
WhatColors helps you discover the best colors to wear based on your unique skin tone. By utilizing our cutting-edge color match technology, you can determine your season and receive tailored color recommendations. This innovative approach ensures that you avoid colors that clash with your skin, eye, and hair color. The WhatColors Nail Color Generator finds the ideal nail polish shades that complement your features. Unlock your personalized color palette and elevate your style effortlessly with the WhatColors AI Personal Color Analysis app.
Get Your Perfect Colors
Through WhatColors, you can identify the colors that best suit your skin tone, eye color, and hair color. By determining your season, you can effortlessly select the perfect hues that enhance your natural features. With the WhatColors app, you can access your customized color recommendations and transform your wardrobe effortlessly. Whether you are a spring, summer, autumn, or winter season, WhatColors ensures you wear the right colors that flatter your complexion.
Avoid No-Go Colors
With the WhatColors app, you can steer clear of colors that do not harmonize with your skin tone, eye color, or hair color. By understanding the hues that complement your features, you can easily identify and avoid colors that may not enhance your appearance. This personalized approach to color analysis allows you to eliminate colors that may clash with your complexion, enabling you to refine your style and feel confident in your outfit choices.
Perfect Nail Colors
Discover the ideal nail polish shades that match your skin tone, eye color, and hair color with the WhatColors Nail Color Generator. By using advanced technology, WhatColors recommends the perfect nail colors that accentuate your features. Say goodbye to nail polish shades that do not harmonize with your complexion and hello to a personalized selection of nail colors that elevate your style.
Download the WhatColors app today and unlock your perfect nail colors effortlessly.